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VIDEO: At Ruidoso Downs Racetrack and Casino, a jockey was discovered to be electric prodded

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    RUIDOSO DOWNS, N.M. (KRQE) – It was a shocking discovery, in more ways than one. Just minutes before a horse race at Ruidoso Downs, police video details why a jockey is now facing charges. He’s accused of concealing an electronic cheating device up his sleeve. 

    An unidentified official explained they saw an electrical device being exchanged and having that device is a felony.

    Called to the Ruidoso Downs Race Track this month, police were looking into a jockey accused of getting caught with an illegal device. A state investigator had confiscated a small electric prod from Hector Aldrete-Bizcarra.

    Investigators said that device, which was put in an evidence bag, had a wrist strap and two metal plungers that don’t turn off. 

    “If you were to slap a horse’s behind with those two probes, the metal plungers, and if they depress at the same time, it delivers an electric shock,” explained Ruidoso Downs Chief Deputy Robert Knight. 

    According to a criminal complaint, investigators found the device before the tenth race, accusing horse owner Manuel Flores of passing it to the jockey. When searched by security, police said the device was found in Aldrete-Bizcarra’s sleeve.  

    Carrying that kind of electric prod is a felony, a violation of the New Mexico Horse Racing Act. In the video, the jockey, Aldrete-Bizcarra, can be heard trying to give an explanation to police. The Downs said the case is rare, and they hope it will serve as an example. 

    “If you come to Ruidoso, and you violate the law, we’re going to do everything within our power to ensure that you’re held responsible,” said Downs General Manager Ethan Linder.

    The jockey, Aldrete-Bizcarra was released on a $2,500 bond. He’s scheduled to appear in court on Monday. A warrant was also issued for the owner of the horse. 


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